Ads ranking/position in listings


Are there any guidelines on how to improve the ads ranking in the listings?
Ex. get more positive feedback, make more trades, etc.

In some cases seems the ads ranking is inconsistent - users with lower feedback/fewer trades/even offline are ranked higher.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Hi! Welcome to the platform!

Those who have a few confirmed positive feedbacks on their account and are online every day will be in the top tier, sorted purely on price.

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From my experience, you show up at the top of the list when you’ve done around 50 total trades

Is it possible to remove the filtering by trades amount/reputation by switching a switch?

It’s a bit unfair against new sellers, and it makes browsing in the “Sell Monero” section a real pain. All the good deals are really low on the list.

Thanks for the suggestion! That might be a good idea.

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