BTC pending dissappeared after I finalize

Made a trade with zebra_zoo. XMR for BTC. The amount appeared in my wallet. The balance went up. When I paid xmr the transaction disappeared! How could the amount appear in my Trezor alter my balance then just disappear? Am I going mad?

And don’t expect any help from support. Ive look through the info and warnings nothing about seeing your btc disappear back out of you wallet. Im going to recommend using an exchange.


Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. It’s true that there are scammers out there who use Bitcoin’s RBF function to replace transactions before they’re confirmed.

We do warn about this on the trade page:

It’s important to remember never to finalize until you have confirmations.

Why before has the transaction not appeared in the wallet until it had confirmation / s ? Ive waited an hour for the PT to appear in the wallet.

I just don’t get this ‘add fee’ but also change the destination wallet or amount sent. Its crazy. I had also the warnings come up when I made the trade, pity none of them said the transaction could be altered. I didnt finalize straight away either. It was there for 10 - 15 minutes. When it disappeared and the amount in my wallet went down I though I was going mad. Even on google ‘pending transaction disappeared’ didnt have anything.